Webcast: seeking true diversification

Merlin GEAR Fund update Webcast

Amadeo Alentorn addresses the problem investors face in finding diversification and presents an alternative approach to global equities.

Jupiter Merlin webcast: Should we be worried about government debt?

The Merlin Team

Debt, and how to manage it, is a subject which polarises opinion and manifests itself in volatile market behaviour. How should investors react?

Jupiter Merlin webcast: Introducing Jupiter Merlin Select

Jupiter Merlin webcast: Introducing Jupiter Merlin Select

The Jupiter Merlin team presented on the launch of the new Jupiter ‘Merlin select’ range of funds. A complementary suite of multi-manager portfolios which sits alongside the existing Merlin range.

A game of probabilities

Webcast - A game of probabilities

Will they be able to avert a hard landing? Will there be substantial rate cuts in the coming months?

Webcast: Is the UK economy stuck in a rut?

Webcast: Is the UK economy stuck in a rut?

UK inflation is stickier than in other developed economies, but the Bank of England must keep a watchful eye on the property markets. In this webcast Richard Buxton gives his views on markets and answers questions from listeners.

Webcast: Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return Fund

Webcast: Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return Fund

Dr Amadeo Alentorn, Lead Investment Manager, Systematic Equities, answers audience questions on the Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return (GEAR) Fund.

Webcast: Should you be worried about something?

Webcast: Should you be worried about something?

A yield of c3.5% on the US 30-Year Treasury says that a fairly trifling return is all the compensation needed for the coming three decades of geopolitical earthquakes and economic ructions. Are risks being foolishly ignored, or is this a classic case of markets ‘climbing a wall of worry’?

Webcast: Finding quality in European equities

Webcast: Finding quality in European equities

Investment managers Mark Nichols and Mark Heslop the opportunities and outlook for European equities. Listen now.

Jupiter Merlin Webcast: Has sanity returned to global markets?

Jupiter Merlin Webcast: Has sanity returned to global markets?

Inflation and interest rates seem close to peaking. Has sanity returned? The Jupiter Merlin team discuss a delicately balanced investment landscape.

Webcast: What’s next for value investing?

Webcast: What’s next for value investing?

The value equities team discuss some of the benefits and potential pitfalls of running a global portfolio and identify the opportunities ahead.