Performance fee disclosure
Jupiter Merian Global Equity Absolute Return Fund
Class Currency | Share Class Names | Number of currency classes impacted | Performance fee disclosure |
USD | L USD Acc, C USD Acc & I USD Acc | 3 USD Classes | 20.00% of any returns the Fund achieves above the average Federal Reserve Funds Target Rate, provided the Fund’s share price is above the High-Water-Mark. A technical description of the performance fee can be found in the full Prospectus. The Performance Fee (if any), will crystallise, become payable at the end of each Performance Period ending on 31 December. If a Shareholder redeems all or part of their Shares before the end of a Performance Period, any accrued Performance Fee with respect to such Shares will crystallise on that Dealing Day and will then become immediately payable. |
GBP | L GBP Hedged Acc, I GBP Hedged Acc, Z1 GBP Hedged Acc +Z2 GBP Hedged Acc | 4 GBP Classes | 20.00% of any returns the Fund achieves above the average Bank of England Base Rate, provided the Fund’s share price is above the High-Water-Mark. A technical description of the performance fee can be found in the full Prospectus. The Performance Fee (if any), will crystallise, become payable at the end of each Performance Period ending on 31 December. If a Shareholder redeems all or part of their Shares before the end of a Performance Period, any accrued Performance Fee with respect to such Shares will crystallise on that Dealing Day and will then become immediately payable. |
EUR | L EUR Hedged Acc, I EUR Hedged Acc +Z1 EUR Hedged Acc | 3 EUR Classes | 20.00% of any returns the Fund achieves above the average ECB Main Refinancing Operations Rate, provided the Fund’s share price is above the High-Water-Mark. A technical description of the performance fee can be found in the full Prospectus. The Performance Fee (if any), will crystallise, become payable at the end of each Performance Period ending on 31 December. If a Shareholder redeems all or part of their Shares before the end of a Performance Period, any accrued Performance Fee with respect to such Shares will crystallise on that Dealing Day and will then become immediately payable. |
SGD | L SGD Hedged Acc | 1 SGD Class | 20.00% of any returns the Fund achieves above the Singapore Overnight Rate Average, provided the Fund’s share price is above the High-Water-Mark . A technical description of the performance fee can be found in the full Prospectus. The Performance Fee (if any), will crystallise, become payable at the end of each Performance Period ending on 31 December. If a Shareholder redeems all or part of their Shares before the end of a Performance Period, any accrued Performance Fee with respect to such Shares will crystallise on that Dealing Day and will then become immediately payable.
SEK | I SEK Hedged Acc | 1 SEK Class | 20.00% of any returns the Fund achieves above the average Riksbank Repo rate, provided t |