Is high yield right to price a soft landing?

Stock market prices

Adam Darling expects volatility ahead in the high yield market as companies gird up to cross the refinancing hump in the coming months.

Bonds: Are rate cuts coming?

Cutting Rates

Mark Nash, Huw Davies and James Novotny analyse the prospects for government bond markets as relatively low real rates and easy financial conditions underpin growth and inflation.

All that glitters…understanding the structural forces behind the market rally in gold

Golden stairs chart

Ned Naylor-Leyland and Daniel March discuss the structural factors behind the recent surge in the price of gold and analyse the factors that could push the price even higher

Are positive rates good news for Japanese equities?

Dan Carter and Mitesh Patel assess the Bank of Japan’s decision to hike interest rates. Why was the reaction so muted, and is it good or bad news for investors?

Remoteness: Accessing the best of emerging markets

Remoteness: Accessing the best of emerging markets

Jason Pidcock and Sam Konrad discuss the theme of “remoteness” and highlight where they’re finding the most attractive emerging market opportunities in Asia Pacific.

Investir à l’ère de la surinformation

Amadeo Alentorn, gérant principal de la stratégie d’actions systématiques, explique comment prendre des décisions d’investissement dans un monde de plus en plus influencé par de grandes quantités de données.

Global government bonds: opportunities & diversification in emerging markets

Global government bonds: opportunities & diversification in emerging markets

Vikram Aggarwal on the outlook for sovereign bonds as inflation eases, the growth of emerging market local-currency bonds and current idiosyncratic opportunities.

Australie : Le marché développé le plus attractif au monde ?

Jason Pidcock et Sam Konrad expliquent pourquoi ils estiment que l’Australie offre certaines des meilleures opportunités en actions de la région Asie-Pacifique, et peut-être, du monde entier.

Asia Pacific equities: Enablers of the AI revolution

Jason Pidcock and Sam Konrad discuss the AI theme in the Asia Pacific (ex Japan) region and highlight where they’re finding some of the most attractive tech opportunities.

Inde: en plein optimisme économique, tous les regards sont tournés vers les élections

Avinash Vazirani et Colin Croft déclarent que les investisseurs se concentreront sur le résultat des prochaines élections nationales et sur ce que cela pourrait impliquer en termes de politiques gouvernementales en période d’optimisme économique.