Webcast: A golden breakout?
Webcast: A golden breakout?
Is the US dollar gold price poised for a sustained rally? What do higher for longer and geopolitical risk mean for gold and silver? Ned Naylor-Leyland and Dominik Issler discuss the market dynamics and outlook for monetary metals and miners.
Jupiter Gold & Silver Fund
A genuinely differentiated fund blending exposure to gold and silver bullion, and gold and silver mining equities.
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A key feature of Jupiter’s investment approach is that we eschew the adoption of a house view, instead preferring to allow our specialist fund managers to formulate their own opinions on their asset class. As a result, it should be noted that any views expressed – including on matters relating to environmental, social and governance considerations – are those of the author(s), and may differ from views held by other Jupiter investment professionals.
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The dollar and its rivals
The dollar and its rivals
Here’s a look at what some of our fund managers think about whether the US dollar’s hegemony could be challenged anytime soon.