Equities Investments
Our capabilities span across a range of equities and specialist areas
Skilled equity investment is central to our investment expertise. Jupiter’s equity funds offer investors the opportunity to invest in equity markets around the world through active and unconstrained management. Jupiter’s equity fund range covers a wide selection of geographical areas – from global and regional remits to specialist single-country mandates – and different investment styles.
Funds in focus
Jupiter European Equities
A large and diverse investment universe
An active, high-conviction approach designed to maximise opportunities no matter the outlook
Jupiter Ecology funds
Capturing sustainable opportunities in a changing world
The first authorised green unit trust to be launched in the UK
Jupiter Gold & Silver Fund
Golden allure
A genuinely differentiated fund blending exposure to gold and silver bullion, and gold and silver mining equties
Latest Insights
Seeking a safe port in a storm
Seeking a safe port in a storm
Recent volatility should remind us of the importance of seeking shelter from market storms, says Amadeo Alentorn, lead investment manager, Jupiter systematic equities.
Read time- 3 min.
Singapore: The best of both worlds
Singapore: The best of both worlds
Investment managers Jason Pidcock and Sam Konrad explain why they like Singapore, as it offers emerging market exposure with developed market quality and governance.
Read time- 5 min.